Do you have an iPad or Android tablet and a cat that you like making happy?
Friskies is excited to feed your cats’ senses with three new games made just for cats, “Cat fishing”, “Tasty treasures hunt” and “Party mix-up !”. The colors, movement, and game-play have been researched and tested for maximum feline fun.

The bare glass screen on the iPad stands up to your cat’s claws with no problems, but please be aware that a cat’s sharp claws could possibly damage add-on plastic film covers.

The Sperm Bullitt. If you’re cycling around Copenhagen, keep your eyes peeled for this bike.

Nordisk Cryobank (European Sperm Bank) is one of Europe’s leading sperm banks and the company was looking at environmentally-friendly alternatives to how they could transport their sperm samples to the fertility clinics around Greater Copenhagen.

The bike is more than just a rolling billboard for the company aimed at increasing awareness of the need for donors to help childless children around the world. Inside the head of the giant sperm cell is a cooler compartment designed so that the metal containers with sperm donations can fit snugly inside and be kept cold.

CEO Peter Bower rides the bike himself around town and he is constantly stopped by curious passersby who want to take photos of it or ask questions about the unique design.

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