Dear Lebanon …

I am writing you this blog post and I am so damn mad at youu because since I was born you are letting me down and every time I stupidly give you back a chance to fix it but unfortunately you don’t.

I don’t care if I can go ski and swim the same day, this is not what I really want.

I want a country where I can have electricity 24 hours a day and spend your hot summer nights quietly and if you cannot fix the electricity 21 years after finishing your civil war, then I have nothing to tell you.

I want a country where I am paying the most expensive mobile rate in the world, to have in return a decent service, a good signal, mobile internet and on top of all, a customer service that I can reach anytime I have a question (trying to call MTC since 9 this morning, now it is 11:30 and still not able to catch them).

I want a country where I can watch an online video without spending a whole day for it or download a file before going to bed then waking up to see that the progress is at 1%.

I want a country where you build a bridge and it makes the life of thousands miserable, to do something about it, in order for me and lots of others get to their work without the need of having Lorazepam 3 times daily.

I want a country where I can access a clean public beach and spend the day with my kids.

I want a country where people drive cars with transparent glasses and respect the law, instead of having black tinted glasses and not respecting the law.

I want a country where you, Lebanon, will go and dig for that oil or gas in the sea without giving me headaches on the news and use it for the good interest of yourself.

I want a country where I can drive without hurting my eyes with that visual pollution of billboards on your streets and highways.

I want a country where I can drive without your roads taking a big chunk of my salary because I have to visit the “mekaniss-yen” every month.

I want a country where “if” I ever watch the news, feel the people who are running this country really love you.

Best regards,
an angry bird, OOPS, an angry citizen.


Live Life Light