Engage Or Die

I would like to share with my blog visitors, a paragraph from a book I started reading today called Engage, The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web written by Brian Solis.

This below quoted paragraph is addressed to the smart-asses out there who pretend analyzing, studying, planning and embracing social media the right way BUT stupidly going and creating a Google+ page for a brand while Google is shouting all over the web that profiles should be human at this stage, therefore businesses and brands should wait for their format.

Another book I suggest to those pretenders to read is UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging written by Scott Stratten.

P.S. If you are not into “real” marketing, don’t say or pretend you are in marketing.

Social media is about speaking with, not “at” people.

This means engaging in a way that works in a conversational medium, that is, serving the best interest of both parties, while not demeaning any actions or insulting the intelligence of anyone involved. So what of those skeptics or apprehensive executives who claim that participating on social networks will only invoke negative responses and ignite potential crises?

As we’re coming to realize, the social landscape is an apparent sea filled with unforgiving predators—most of whom would love nothing more than to have marketers for every meal of the day. Nevertheless, succeeding here is the future of integrated communications, marketing, and service.

The truth is that there will be negative commentary. However, that should not deter you from experimenting or piloting programs. Even without your participation, negative commentary already exists. In most cases, you just aren’t encountering it. This is why I like to ask business leaders the following question: “If a conversation takes place online, and you weren’t there to hear it, did it actually happen?”

Yes. Yes, it did.

Assuredly, every negative discussion is an opportunity to learn and also to participate in a way that may shift the discussion in a positive direction. If there’s nothing else that we accomplish by participating, we at least acquire the ability to contribute toward a positive public perception.

The conversations that don’t kill you only make you stronger.


Live Life Light