BIG LIARS – Both Of You

Municipality elections are here and here you are one more time with your shiny billboards and messages, trying to convince us to vote for you.

I have tried, with all of you. When you were friends and when you were enemies, when you were nice and when you were bad, in every occasion I have tried because I wanted to see what you will end up doing to my city, but unfortunately all you did was to screw this wonderful Mediterranean city more and more.

Maybe I am exaggerating because I love Jounieh more than you do, maybe because I want it to be the most perfect town, but every now and then you prove more and more that you never deserved my last vote for you.

You have no more attractive words to put on your billboard campaign that you ended up bringing Virgin Mary to be part of it, how low things can go to get a simple vote. While the others are turning the page for a new start that they were supposed to make happen long time ago.

Surely things will be different for me this Sunday, because both of you are BIG LIARS!


Live Life Light

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