Siblou Fake Products

Siblou Light-meat-tuna-in-oil We have been facing the presence of fake Siblou products for quite some time in many markets where we are present.

Luckily we have uplifted our main logo not long time ago while fake products are still using our old one. As you can see while comparing our original label with the fake ones, that these people did not really bother themselves in making some major changes or differences (this reminds me when my daughter plays “find the 7 differences” game).

All they did was to copy the label as is, without any effort and to be fair to one of these unethical people, he really wanted to make a difference while copying a known brand, he just added the “n” letter at the end to make our brand called Sibloun, so i have to admit that was a very clever move *ironic sigh*, while the other guy just used a scanner and surely the quality found inside these cans is not comparable with Siblou.

fake siblou Definitely our company took legal actions to put an end to these counterfeited goods, but such cases need time and patience until all evidence are gathered.

We have already other branding, packaging and marketing plans and solutions in place to fight back, but unfortunately i am not able to share such information for the time being.

Nonetheless, we are not only copied on this range, our frozen products design (and quality) was also copied in so many countries in the Gulf and in Europe, i will be writing about this also soon.

Unfortunately successful brands and products have been copied since forever worldwide, the dark side of this is directly hitting 2 main parties, the consumer, who, sometimes is buying without making sure he is not fooled and spending his money on the wrong product(s) and the brand owners spending big amounts to fight and protect their brands/products, while some unprincipled people make fast money, which i am sure will not last forever.


Live Life Light

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