Lebanese Beggaring

image062 For the last few years, every few months you could easily spot billboards in Lebanon, thanking a bunch of what we call in lebanese sister countries, for donating or helping Lebanon.

And everytime I see these I have the feeling that Lebanese are beggars and I am one of them.

But I always feel bad about it, why ? For many reasons, first because we are not beggars and I don’t want ever to have this feeling (if you want to call it “The Lebanese Proud”, I have no problem with it), second if anyone is helping Lebanon, they should not wait for a non-stop thank you on billboards, third if these thank you messages are for political objectives, well i am sure majority of Lebanese are really pissed off with it.

Whomever put us in this deep shit, should work hard to take us out of it, who is it? I don’t really care for the name and I don’t really care to know, maybe all of us are responsible, every and each one of us, maybe some more than others, but at the end we are all responsible.

If I disagree with these billboards, it does not mean I am with the ones politically on the other side, I am with myself, because I might be the only one who can help me.

You want to help Lebanon, great we appreciate it, do it low profile and you, the Lebanese who are managing these donations and help, again keep it low, no need to shout loudly.

And please, all politicians, get the hell out of my life.


Live Life Light

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