OtherInbox: the cure for email

OtherInbox is the email address you use for all the stuff you don’t want coming to my main email address – mostly shopping, news and social networking. Pretty much any time you are not giving your email address to a real person you use my OtherInbox. That way your main Inbox only has important stuff in it and everything else is in your OtherInbox. Once its in there, OtherInbox automatically organizes and everything for you into folders for each website. This saves you time because you can jump right to the messages you care about and easily ignore the ones that you are not interested in reading right now. It also shows you what’s really going on with your email address – if someone sells my information to spammers you know right away and can stop it.

How does it work? Instead of just having one email address, such as jbaer1975@gmail.com, you have unlimited email addresses at your own domain name, josh.otherinbox.com. You don’t have to set them up ahead of time, you can just make them up as you go along. You give out a different email address to every website – Amazon gets amazon@josh.otherinbox.com and Facebook gets facebook@josh.otherinbox.com. This way OtherInbox can reliably sort everything coming back into folders. If anyone sells your email address you will know exactly who is responsible and you can Block that one email address so that you never see their emails again. It’s powerful!

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