Maxime Chaya, A Lebanese Hero


Maxime Chaya is the first Lebanese to climb Everest on May 15th, 2006, 5:50 a.m. local time, as the last of his Seven Summits.

Maxime Chaya completed the second pole (South Pole) of his Three Poles Challenge on December 28, 2007. He called Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora from there and expressed his wishes that all Lebanese pursue their goals in life just as he did. If he completes his third pole (North Pole) as scheduled in 2009, he will have been only the 14th person in the world to have achieved the Grand Slam – 3 Poles & 7 Summits.

Maxime Chaya became a Lebanese national hero when he raised, for the first time in history, his country’s name to the highest place on earth.

Maxime, was officially nominated a Seven Summiteer after reaching the highest summit in the world, Mount Everest.

Check Maxime’s Blog here:


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