The Road I Prefer

This post was originally written by Chris Brogan on Google+.

I have been thinking a lot about which roads I travel lately, the metaphorical kind. For the last few decades, I’ve become quite a people pleaser, in the worst sense of that, in an unhealthy sense. I’m working on learning how not to do that. Part of that is avoiding. Avoidance. I try to avoid ucky feelings and conflicts.

I hate arguing. I’m not good at it. I get hurt too simply. I fight back at the wrong times.

But I’m trying to learn. I’m just a learner. Every day, I work on parts and succeed at parts, even when others don’t see it. And I get stronger, a little bit at a time, and I make better choices, a few more each day.

I prefer quiet roads. I prefer it when there aren’t so many conflicts. But evidently, I’m not choosing the right road, if I want to get to my destination, because selecting only quiet roads means that I’m letting the roads choose where I go, instead of choosing myself.


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