Facebook Friend

Since I had my Facebook account i never wrote or updated my status, not one single time, then few days back while on my Facebook homepage, I take a look at the right upper side and read: “Dave Duarte is brainstorming for a new name for his company”. I take few seconds and send Dave a message telling him that I ready to help is likes me too and he answers back, yes sure.


I have Dave as my friend on Facebook from a group that I don’t even remember. I am in Lebanon and Dave is in South Africa, I need to fly “good few hours” to reach that destination where I have never been, despite the distance, you feel you are close and all this because of Facebook.

Dave is Chief Marketing Geek (CMG) of Cerebra, a social-media consultancy. The company launched in late 2006.

He is responsible for a lot of the primary research that Cerebra conducts, and so as a result, he has gotten involved in writing, teaching and speaking at conferences. Most of this culminates in a programme which he directs at the UCT Graduate School of Business, called Nomadic Marketing. He also lecture there from time to time, on the MBA programme and executive education courses.

It’s his mission to speed the South African web scene into global prominence so that they get recognized for the hub of diversity, creativity and ubuntu that they are.


Live Life Light