Human Behavior

Human behavior is something very unpredictable and sometimes you can never understand the motives of such behaviors. Maybe I am myself one of those humans who behave in a weird way depending on the situation I am present in.

I am not a doctor and I am not saying I am the right person who can analyze humans and their behavior, but with time you get some extra wisdom from life and you start asking questions when you see unusual things.

This is not the 1st time I notice such billboards in Lebanon. I have seen before billboards for anniversaries, weddings, baptisms and of course engagements of couples and I cannot forget the politicians who show us their lovely faces every few years all over the billboards.

I always wondered what do these people feel or try to prove to the rest of us by placing their photos on those huge billboards, no matter what the occasion is?

Ooops, I was going to end this blog entry without saying MABROUK! (means congratulations in Lebanese).


Live Life Light