provides eye-catching, beautiful and intuitive designs for you. They make sure that our custom QR codes match your requirements and can even match your current designs.

Furthermore, they have a team of graphic artists who are also custom QR code design experts and have an understanding of how brands work. They can translate your brand into your custom QR code design!

After Karl Lagerfeld for Coca-Cola, Paul Smith for Evian and Missoni for San Pellegrino, it is Christian Lacroix who will revamp beer 1664. Christian Lacroix, a symbol of elegance and refinement to the French, is known for its bright colors and unique style.

Therefore, Brasseries Kronenbourg, who wish to reposition the iconic 1664 beer by playing the card of the “French taste” asked him to imagine the packaging of its next limited edition. Thus, the friendly and authentic 1664 beer will be all dressed by Christian Lacroix, from the month of June 2011.

The Visual Miscellaneum is a unique, groundbreaking look at the modern information age, helping readers make sense of the countless statistics and random facts that constantly bombard us. Using cutting edge graphs, charts, and illustrations, David McCandless creatively visualizes the world’s surprising relationships and compelling data, covering everything from the most pleasurable guilty pleasures to how long it takes different condiments to spoil to world maps of Internet search terms.


According to the ‘Top 100 Global Brands Scoreboard’ report the top 50 brands & logo designs in ranking order were:

Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, GE, Intel, Nokia, Walt Disney, McDonald’s, Toyota, Marlboro, Mercedes-Benz, Citi, Hewlett-Packard, American Express, Gillette, BMW, Cisco, Louis Vuitton, Honda, Samsung, Dell, Ford, Pepsi, Nescafé, Merrill Lynch, Budweiser, Oracle, Sony, HSBC, Nike, Pfizer, UPS, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Canon, SAP, Goldman Sachs, Google, Kellogg’s, Gap, Apple, Ikea, Novartis, UBS, Siemens, Harley-Davidson, Heinz, MTV, Gucci and Nintendo.

  • The name does not describe the product sold (94%)
  • The by-line tag is not included in the logo (90%)
  • The font style is clean and clear (84%)
  • The logo design uses one colour only (74%) (white & black not counted as a colour)
  • The logo design uses letters only without the symbol (74%)
  • The logo design is a made-up name or ACRONYM (72%)
  • The logo design is rectangular in shape (66%)
  • The logo design is one word only (62%)
  • The logo design includes the trademark symbol (54%) & is placed in the top right (48%)
  • The name is 6 letters or less (52%)
  • The name uses upper & lower case (44%) (excluding ACRONYMS)
  • The background is filled and solid. (52%)
  • The pronunciation includes three sounds/syllables (44%)
  • The predominant colour base is blue (40%)

  • top-50-brands

    News Source

    albert-new-logoThe Albert brand was founded in Central Europe in 1991. Today Ahold operates 280 stores in the Czech Republic and 25 stores in Slovakia, where it is among the best-known brands in food retail.

    The company, which also operates more than 21 gas stations in the Czech Republic and seven in Slovakia, employs 15,000 people in both countries and provides service to over 200 million Czech and Slovak customers every year.

    The essential elements of the new Albert brand are great choice, a wide assortment of food with focus on the fresh, friendly staff – and always a good price. A key component of strengthening the brand is an increasing emphasis on private label products. The company also continues to develop and expand its private label ranges. Stores are also being improved and tailored to meet their different needs.

    The company is committed to being a leader in food retail industry in the markets it serves, whether that is by setting the highest standard for product quality and customer service it stores or by pursing programs aimed at improving the health of consumers and well-being of the communities it serves.

    old-albert-hyperAlbert will continue to reposition, rebrand and remodel its stores in 2009 to further improve its offering to customers and to improve its sustainable long-term profitability.

    “We are creating a sustainable future for our company in this highly competitive market by delighting our customers, by investing in price and value, and by cutting costs,” says Johan Boeijenga, CEO Albert / Hypernova.

    Each week up until June 1 the company will open five new stores rebranded from the Hypernova banner to company’s reinvigorated Albert banner. The company first announced a year ago that it would carry out the rebranding.

    With the store conversions, the current retail brands Albert and Hypernova will be united under a single brand with a new visual identity, Albert. This includes the transformation of 56 Hypernova and HYPER Albert stores, which will be rebranded Albert hypermarkets by the mid-2009.

    Official Website (in Czech language)
