Having a “great meeting” often means that everyone in the room agreed on a topic without debate or discomfort. Yet, most great ideas are born from conflict and differences of opinion, rather than effortlessly run meetings.

Next time you are organizing a meeting, don’t focus on making it go smoothly. Instead, pay attention to moving your business objective forward. Only invite people who truly have a stake in the goal, not those who have a territorial claim or just want to be heard.

Good results come from complex, iterative, and challenging processes. Rather than making sure your ideas and discussion fit perfectly into the hour time frame, be willing to leave the issue unresolved and have another “bad” meeting to follow up.

Source: Management Tip was adapted from “Be Brave: Have a Bad Meeting” by Dan Burrier.

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By Marla Tabaka

Want to become more productive? Decreasing your stress levels will increase your productivity and the likelihood of living a longer, healthier life. But, you ask, I run my own business, how can I possibly decrease my stress? How can I find the time to add anything else in? And I ask you, how can you NOT? Stress is an energy zapper so reducing stress will, in essence, add time to your day because your energy levels will be higher and your focus will improve.

Here is my list of top de-stressors. Please add to the list!

  • Meditation
  • Proper Diet
  • Exercise
  • Natural Products
  • Energy Psychology
  • Change Your State
  • Kids and Pets

Read full article here

Marla Tabaka is a life and business coach who helps entrepreneurs in achieving their business and life goals faster and smarter. She serves as a Success Coach for the nationally known organization, Count-Me-In for Women’s Economic Independence and helps award recipients grow their businesses to one-million dollars and beyond.

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Xobni‘s Outlook add-in saves you time finding email, conversations, contact info & attachments.

Bccthis is an Outlook plug-in that lets you add context to email by sending personalized messages to selected email recipients.

Tungle.me enhances your existing calendar and let others schedule meetings with you (without having to sign up). Choose your availability, who you share your page with and when meetings get booked. No more back and forth.

Gubb allows you to keep to-do lists just the way you always have. The same feeling of seeing an item crossed off. Everything you already had, plus new tricks to make your life easier and your lists more available.

Zoho is a comprehensive suite of award-winning on-line business applications and has launched 19 different applications so far.

Skype is software that enables the world’s conversations. Skype’s buzzing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, worldwide. At peak times, there are up to 20 million people online

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