The first in a series of three films exploring trade and business in Dubai today. Business leaders talk about physical infrastructure and its impact on economic geography as well as the intangibles that enable ease of business in the emirate.

The second in a series of three films exploring trade and business in Dubai today. Business leaders talk about Dubai’s position as an international trade hub and a gateway to the wider region and emerging economies such as Africa, Brazil, China and India.

The third in a series of films exploring trade and business in Dubai today. For entrepreneurs, Dubai is a place of fast growth, innovation and a ‘can do’ attitude that can be seen across creative spaces such as Shelter and the Pavilion where opportunities for creativity and collaboration flow.

I got the below post lately into my feed reader from Seth Godin’s Blog and I would like to share it with you.

Ramit Sethi asked: “What’s easier now than later?

Seth Godin’s reply : Dreaming was easier.

First, it was easier to sleep, but that’s an entirely different story.

I meant real dreams. Visions. Ideas of what was around the corner. I still do it, I push myself to do it, I work at it and it pays off. But in my 20s, it just happened. And I wrote em down. Writing your dreams down is a great idea.