theeasybrandfight is a well known British group having under its umbrella an endless number of brands combined with the word Easy, their most famous one is the low-cost airline EasyJet, the founder of Easy Group is Stelios. Not long ago, Easy Group also launched EasyFoodStore with a very simple business line “No expensive brands, just food honestly priced”.

Yesterday, Carrefour Belgium opened its 1st store called Easy Market along with their Carrefour icon and previously they opened also in Belgium 2 stores called Easy Caddy without any link to the Carrefour brand. The main idea behind these 2 concepts is to test a low-cost stores which are too big for the Carrefour Express concept and too small for the Carrefour Market concept. Both Easy Market and Easy Caddy use the famous orange color used by EasyGroup for all its brands and products.

EasyGroup is very keen about its branding and colors, they have a dedicated page on their website for this matter entitled Brand Thieves, we need to see where this going to get on the brand trademarking side, the word easy and the orange color, unless there is a deal about it.

If you have any information concerning this, please feel free to share it.


It is the 31st of December and we are getting away from an another ~365-days around the sun~ and welcoming a new round!

And suddenly everybody remember that it is time for resolutions that most of them won’t survive till the end of January of the new year or even mid-Jan and most probably the superstar of resolutions is “I want to lose some weight” which won’t work for 99.99% of the people making that specific resolution.

Okay including me ;-)

While going thru my flipboard yesterday, an article entitled “16 Career-Boosting Lists to Make in 2016” got my attention, written by Adrian Granzella Larssen, the editor-in-chief of The Daily Muse.

I suggest you read the article and try making the 16 lists or some of them which looks to be fun doing.

1. Companies you want to work for.
2. 10 innovative ideas off the top of your head.
3. People you should know to get ahead.
4. Books you want to read.
5. What you want to happen in 2016.
6. What you want to leave in 2015.
7. Your career bucket list.
8. “Got a minute?” to-dos.
9. “Got a slow day?” to-dos.
10. A “not right now” list.
11. Your biggest accomplishments.
12. Lunches to make.
13. What you’re grateful for.
14. Things you do better than most people.
15. Things you want to try.
16. Sayings to live by.

Happy New Year!